Lean Certification

Through our Lean Certification Program, Prosit offers seven topics of the most frequently used lean techniques and tools. These tools are bundled into a 5 day curriculum. In addition, these can be scaled and delivered independently.

1. Lean Methodology with Simulation

This is the introduction of the participant to the history of Lean, it’s tools and applications.  The student will learn concepts and then immediately put them to use in live simulations.  There will be several rounds of “Learn then Do” as the student transform a “Batch and Que” manufacture into Lean manufacturer using the tools taught throughout the day.

2. Value Stream Mapping

The LEAN approach to Process Improvement and uncovering the 8 WASTES (muda).  This assessment done by a team walking through the flow will allow first hand understanding and observation of material and information flow of the “Value Stream”. We assess and compile data of the Current State, discover opportunities for improvement which evolve to a Future State, and then formulate an Implementation Plan.

3. 5S

Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain are steps in the process to create workplace organization. We use these 5S’s to improve efficiency and effectiveness. The training takes operators and supervisors through real-life workplace organization by actually doing a 5S Kaizen event.


Single Minute Exchange of Dies.  Also known as Quick Changeover or Setup Reduction, this tool works to eliminate or reduce downtime caused when a machine or materials are changed from one part to another.  Introducing a “Pit Stop” approach attempts to get the changeover completed rapidly to improve the machines uptime.  The SMED technique is also another hands-on experience where a team observes a changeover in person noting problems and opportunities to reduce time.  Often a major opportunity is Externalizing tasks prior or post change over which may require improved coordination of communication, checklists and schedules.

5. Cellular Manufacturing

A process by which we optimize machine and manual operations into the most effective means possible to improve flow and productivity.  Philosophies such as One-Piece-Flow, Line balancing and TAKT time are some of the methods of driving production in a manner most likely to satisfy customer demand.

6. Pull Kanban

Kanban, meaning, “sign” is typically a control or trigger for replenishment of inventory or production. This manual process brings control to the “Value Adder” and is used directly where the work or consumption happens.  By pulling capacity, or materials based on consumption and not schedules it limits overproduction, while keeping the right amount on the shelves based on lead-time and cycle time.

7. A3 PDCA

An A3 is a size of a sheet of paper and PDCA stands for (plan, do, check, act). First used by Toyota, it is a tool for problem solving which provides a simple yet strict approach to the improvement process. It is a beneficial piece to the company and a lean consultant in figuring out certain pinch points to a process or system.

All lean tools and techniques will be thoroughly explained and demonstrated in a classroom and shop floor environment. We believe learning the background to a term or technique is important but actually doing it and seeing it happen is equally, if not, more important for training.

Please contact us for any of your lean certification needs in the Philadelphia, PA region or across the country.